Performance Accelerators and Decelerators
Accelerating Performance in Changing Times
Changing times means constantly adjusting and adapting to new challenges. Budgets that were consistently renewed, year after year, are being cut or eliminated. Funding sources are no longer entitlements, but require heightened accountability through measurable performance data. How many times do we need to hear about doing more with less?
The most optimistic of us live by a credo that change is good. While change can be a very positive factor for organizations, as strategies are adjusted in response to new demands, key problem areas can be overlooked. In fact, without careful change management, the good things can be changed, leaving in place those stubborn bad habits.
Savvy leaders will eliminate roadblocks to accelerating performance. We have identified a watch list of performance accelerators. What do you see in this list that can be used to accelerate performance in your organization?