HR Service Delivery

TMG provides recruitment, retention, and onboarding strategies, employee relations, organizational and employee development, workforce planning, benefits analysis, compensation planning, and succession planning. We will consult with the client organization in evaluation, developing, and implementing practices to ensure effective and consistent human resources management practices and procedures.

Employee Engagement

Solutions to create the desired of work and work culture that provides employees a sense of purpose and pride at work.

Recruitment and Retention

Comprehensive studies and recommendations for dramatically improving abilities to attract, recruit and retain valuable talent.


Structured program with expedites new-hire-to-productivity cycle time, accelerates the socialization process, improves retention rates and creates employee engagement.

Classification and Job Design

TMG assists with job design and assigning positions to a pay system, series, title, and grade or band, based on consistent application of position classification standards.


Comprehensive total rewards and compensation services – analyses, design, and implementation consultation. Update your compensation plan now, in order to attract and retain employees, improve morale, and control labor costs.

Performance Management

Design and customize performance management training as well as performance management systems.

human resources program employee recruitment retention staffing onboarding job classification compensation performance management staff hr planning retain attract succession engagement rewards