TMG on-site training is the perfect solution for training ten employees or launching a company-wide training effort. It’s affordable, completely customizable and absolutely hassle-free. You can count on organizational results that are immediate and measurable.

Leadership and Management Development

Career Management
Align individual employee a career success with the needs of the organization.
- Effective Interviewing Skills
- Quick Start Career Transition Workshop
- Planning for Life After Retirement

Communications Skills
There is always an opportunity to improve communications across the organization. Empower employees with understanding the most effective tools to use depending on the situation.
- Business Writing
- Building Business and Client Relationships
- Communicating with Professionalism
- Communication and Perception
- Creating Great Webinar
- Dealing with Difficult Conversations
- Dynamic Presentations Skills
- Effective Communications for Managers
- Elevator Speech Workshops
- Facilitating with Impact
- First Impression
- Grammar and Proofreading
- Improving Communication Through Positive Listening
- Marketing and Branding
- Listening and Influencing
- Multi-Generational Communications
- Taming the Email Tiger
- Technical Writing
- Writing with Impact

Customer Relations
Long-term organizational success requires fully meeting the needs of customers and other stakeholders.
- Building Client and Business Relationships
- Consulting Skills
- Customer Service
- Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
- Successful Selling Skills

Emotional Intelligence
Build, sustain and maximize working relationships in the work place. Improve organizational maturity by addressing key behavioral competencies.
- Assertiveness Training
- Building Enduring Relationships
- Business Etiquette
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Difficult Conversations
- Emotional Competence Inventory
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Handling Change
- Handling Difficult Situations and People
- Influencing Without Authority
- Improving Interpersonal Relations
- Listening and Influencing
- MBTI Workshops

Human Resources
Building organizational capacity in human resources organization to become a complete business partner.
- Branding and Marketing Human Resources
- Compensation Management Training
- Competencies Workshop
- Consulting Skills for HR
- Employee Engagement
- Essentials of Human Resources
- Setting and Reaching Goals in Performance Management

Managing Organizational Performance
Getting more done with less. Show your organization the way.
- Balanced Scorecard
- Change Management
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Creative Problem Solving
- Developing an Organizational Knowledge Management System
- Developing Metrics
- Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
- Fundamentals of Strategic Planning
- Implementing FITARA
- Making Meetings Work
- Performance Management Training
- Process Improvement Tools and Techniques
- Project Management
- Setting and Reaching Goals
- Systems Thinking
- Time Management Strategies

Program for Administrative Professionals
Developing administrative staff to deliver the highest levels of support.
- Achieving Your Professional Best
- Leadership Skills for Administrative Professionals
- Providing Excellent Customer Service
- Office Management Skills for AA’s
- Time and Priority Skills for AA’s
- The Indispensable Assistant

Personal Effectiveness


Workplace Issues
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